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Linda A. Huitt
Aug 11, 202410 min read
Spiritual Hygiene for your Energetic Wellness
As we awaken our Spiritual Self, and start opening more to the metaphysical world, Spiritual Hygiene is critical! Read about why, and how...
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Linda A. Huitt
Apr 29, 20245 min read
The Art of the Balance
Feel the 5D shift.. Balancing 3D & 5D is exciting, confusing, comforting & overwhelming, all at once. But it also makes sense. Here’s why...
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Linda A. Huitt
Jun 13, 20213 min read
ALLOWING yourself to Receive!
Ever feel like you can't get out of your own way? What you REALLY want isn't finding its way to you? Consider maybe you are DISallowing it.
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Linda A. Huitt
May 13, 20213 min read
Finding Strength through Kindness
In a world with so much struggle, Kindness towards friends and strangers can make an enormous difference, and a beautiful ripple effect.
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Linda A. Huitt
Apr 14, 20214 min read
You ARE Worthy!! 💗
You ARE worthy! See how Hypnosis, Tapping, and Meditation can remind you of your Worthiness.
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Linda A. Huitt
Jan 18, 20214 min read
Being Unconsciously Conscious
Can you achieve "consciousness" while still being "conscious" of the concept? Here's a model to BEcome conscious, unconsciously.
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Linda A. Huitt
Nov 11, 20201 min read
Hope... from your Inner Child!
Enjoy a channeled meditation, taking a journey to HOPE with your inner child!
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Linda A. Huitt
Jul 20, 20204 min read
Let’s have a soul to soul chat…
Can you look past ego to the soul? Hear about how this can help you ride through conflict.
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Marie Deforge
Jan 12, 20202 min read
What It Means To Be A Joy Jumper
Joy is our natural state of being! It's ok to "jump" to that which keeps our level of joy high.
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T.j. Arnold
Nov 12, 20193 min read
Everyday Alchemy: Energy Into Objects
The moments I feel the most happiness in my life are when I feel connected and inspired. I feel it most often when I am imbuing my Freyja’s
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Linda A. Huitt
Apr 15, 20193 min read
Take a break!
No matter how you spend an average day, and no matter how much you love what you do, we all need a break from our routine occasionally. I...
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Linda A. Huitt
Oct 12, 20185 min read
Not-too-scary Ghost Stories
You're never really alone... Probably most of our readers have had some sort of ghostly encounters in their life. I'm sharing a few of...
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